This year we finally got the OK to install K9 Grass in the small dog run — this is a specially formulated turf just for dogs. The entire project was privately funded and gifted to the community by the “Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade”
Garrett Rosso, Bradley Romaker from NYC Parks Dept & Susan Alexander, the contractor for Tech Grass, start the installation
Cobblestones and benches are removed from the old run
The team excavates the old stone and sand
Forms are created for concrete pads beneath the benches to prevent dogs from digging and easy cleaning
The concrete truck arrives
The concrete is leveled, tinted and smoothed
An additional 6 inches of stone is added to create better drainage throughout the run
The crushed stone is compacted
Finally the K9 Turf arrives
Zeolite is buffed into the grass for odor control
And 13 days later, we let the dogs in!